Brouklis Closing Day 2024
Tonight is our Last table Service for 2024!
We greatfully thank you all for one more great season, greater than ever, busier, healthier and prosperous with fantastic people surrounding our taverna from the 10th of April since we opened this year.
This year's motos and the secret of our success was:
Welcome to 2024 summer season
Welcome to our Taverna,
Where our family and Friends have been working for the last 51 years keeping the tradition together with the quality and local hospitality.
The Brouklis Grill Taverna is a small establishment in the center of Arillas. this restaurant is not located on the sea front but tucked away in a side street, its sign hidden by vines, grown not for the grapes but for the shade they provide.
Discerning guests don’t look at the menu but ask the waiter what he has today. Special delicacies are stifado, Mousaka, Bourdeto, Tsigareli, Bifteki and zucchini balls the recipes, which have been passed down from generation to generation, are a closely kept secret.
All dishes prepared in our Taverna are made as if you would have had them in a local home. without any particular efforts to make the food look nice but using pure, local ingredients cooked in the way they have been cooked for the previous hundredths of years.
Snapshot for the menu:
"In our kitchen we do not use a microwave oven, nor stock cubes or other commercial ingredients."
"Our specialties are daily fresh prepared in a limited number of portions."
Table 13

Tonight I sat at Table 13. I am not superstitious, and neither clearly is Dimitris, my landlord for the week, and resourceful owner of Brouklis Taverna in Arillas.
We have had a running joke this week over the fact that only he knows whichbuttons to press on the coffee machine to make it splutter into life and produce the cappuccino coffee I like to drink.
Without Dimitris it’s Nescafe or nought!
I haven't yet spotted a customer suggestion box, but if I do I shall write on a white serviette: Teach your sister how to use the cappuccino machine!
50 years Brouklis Taverna 1973-2023
My family and I would love to wish Happy Greek Easter greetings to all!
We opened our Taverna last Monday the 10th of April and we felt so proud and supported to have a full house! Around 70 ''Brouklis friends and fanatics'' came to honour us for our first opening day for 2023.
This is the year where we are celebrating our Taverna's Golden Jubilee. It's 50 years since we opened in 1973 .
Arillas, Corfu and the rest of the world has changed drastically over the past 50 years, but our love for what we do, producing the local tastes of our family's food and traditions has remained much the same: the wooden chairs, the blue and white checkered tablecloths and both the inside and outside dining areas have remained the same for the past 33 years when I first unofficially took over from our Father. Since then I have not changed the look, size and style of our place at all. My oldest Sister Roula is still the main cook for the last 33 years and she is still going strong,
Do not forget that this November I ll be 50 turning years old too!! Shhhhh!
Brouklis Taverna is open every evening at 18:00 until about 23:00. (on Greek Easter Sunday we will be closed.)
This Summer season 2023 you may join us in celebration of 50 years of achievement as we look to the future and prepare for the next 50 to come.
See you soon,
Brouklis Taverna in the 70's

Brouklis Taverna mentioned on Grill Magazine Greece! July 2021
A restaurant in Corfu which respects the environment
In his restaurant called “Brouklis” in Arillas, Corfu, Mr. Dimitris Kourkoulos applies a surprisingly well-organized and incredibly efficient system of environmental management which, along with other actions carried out by the business people of the area, is developing in a small, local green “miracle”.
Read more: Brouklis Taverna mentioned on Grill Magazine Greece! July 2021
Produce, use and store your own electricity with modern photovoltaic technology“
Sunday 17th October 2021 at 12 o'clock in Arillas at Brouklis Taverna

▪ Self-production of electricity with photovoltaic technology
▪ Storing electricity with batteries to use when there is no sun
▪ Having electricity in times of power cuts
▪ Charging infrastructur for eScooter and eCars
▪ Visiting the photovoltaic system of the Brouklis Taverna
PARTICIPATION The number of possible participants is limited - please let us know if you would like to take part: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*This project was installed within the framework of the RES Programme. The RES Project Greece is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the Renewable Energy Solutions Programme of the GermanEnergy SolutionsInitiative.